Let Yourself Unfold

Our sacred online temple & membership

for yoga, embodiment and sensuality

to nourish our souls🌹



This is unfold

On this platform you will find a wide variety of yoga flows as well as other content, like meditations, ceremonies, personal updates and other teachings to connect you to your most embodied expression.

My desire is that this becomes a deepening of my service to you. More intimate, and deeper than social media allows.

My intention is for you to feel cared for and held in a safe and sumptuous space by me and everyone who is part of this online family.

You are invited to enter the portal

Das ist Unfold

Auf dieser Plattform findest du eine Vielzahl von Yoga-Flows sowie andere Inhalte wie Meditationen, Zeremonien, persönliche Updates und andere Lehren, die dich mit deinem am meisten verkörperten Ausdruck verbinden.

Mein Wunsch ist es, dass dies eine Vertiefung meiner Kreationen für dich wird. Intimer und tiefer, als es die sozialen Medien erlauben.

Meine Absicht ist es, dass ihr euch von mir und allen, die Teil dieser Online-Familie sind, in einem sicheren Raum umsorgt und gehalten fühlt.

Du bist eingeladen, das Portal zu betreten













See what our beautiful community is saying:

I'm so excited to be here. On my own healing journey, Lisa's yoga flows have been incredibly game-changing for me. To trust myself and my body. To love and accept myself just as I am. To be present to the current moment. One of my favorite things about Unfold is the classes in tune with the menstrual cycle! (I was on birth control from ages 17-24 and have been re-learning my own cycle so these I love.)

<div class="editor-content"><p>Maddie</p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p>Unfold Community</p></div>


Unfold Community

I wanted to share the joy I've had since recently joining this platform. Since finding time for these practices everyday, I've found my inner self becoming stronger and stronger and at the end of the seven day journey to self love series, I realized it was time to get my hormonal IUD taken out and get back to honoring my cycle. I realized that with a community like this, there's now a space for me to feel held through the dark times of PMS and the light times of ovulation. A place to find movement, be at peace, feel connected to the feminine and feel normal in my cyclical nature rather than feeling like a problem. What a beautiful healing space this has provided...truly, a space like no other. Rather than dreading, I'm looking forward to getting to honor my cycle (and all of it's ups and downs) through this life-giving platform and how much it makes me feel connected to myself again!


Elena MacWilliams

Unfold Community

Danke dafür, dass du uns so offen vormachst, wie wir unseren Impulsen freien Lauf lassen können und frei von Scham und Bewertung einfach genießen können und verrückt sein dürfen. Die Schönheit darin zu entdecken, einfach natürlich und wir selbst zu sein, ist wohl eine der schwierigsten Aufgaben in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft. Ein unfassbar großes Geschenk an uns alle. ❤️🙏

<div class="editor-content"><p>Jasmin Parvathi Marla</p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p>Unfold Community</p></div>

Jasmin Parvathi Marla

Unfold Community

Join our community 🌹

When we enter these spaces where we are able to unfold in safety and in the presence of others, in love & acceptance, it teaches us how to also give that to ourselves.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p>Monthly Plan</p></div>

Monthly Plan

24 €

This subscription will give you unlimited access to all of our content monthly

Mit diesem Abo hast du monatlich unbegrenzten Zugang zu allen unseren Inhalten

price option <div class="editor-content"><p>6 Months Plan</p></div>

6 Months Plan


Comes down to 22€ per month

This subscription will give you unlimited access to all of our content for 6 months

Kommt auf 22€ pro Monat

Mit diesem Abo hast du 6 Monate lang unbegrenzten Zugang zu allen unseren Inhalten

price option <div class="editor-content"><p><span style="color: var(--hp-color-text, #1b2733)">​​Annual Plan&nbsp;(Save&nbsp;One Month)</span></p></div>

​​Annual Plan (Save One Month)

240 €

Comes down to 20 € per month

This subscription will give you unlimited access to all of our content annually

Kommt auf 20 € pro Monat

Mit diesem Abo hast du ein Jahr lang unbegrenzten Zugang zu allen unseren Inhalten

This is for you 🪶

So many of us struggle to connect with ourselves, when the world is so loud. When we are constantly outside of ourselves. I want to create a space where you feel save to let go. To step into your inner being. To become present with your beautiful body. To unfold and become fully alive. The asana and all other practices I offer for me are really just my instruments to guide you into your soul. Into presence.

Beautifully designed content for you to dive deep

This membership will give you unlimited access to all of the content I create. Everything I create is deeply nourishing and invites you to step into your soul.

Loving private Community chat

You will be part of our private loving community area to connect with other likeminded souls

livestreams & personal updates

You will be interacting personally with me through regular livestreams and personal updates I will give exclusively to this community


I want this space to give you beautiful expansive tools not just by me but by inspiring guest teachers that will regularly share their knowledge with us!


See what inspiring teachers already held space for our community:

I truly think I’ll be apart of your platform for as long as it exists. This space & your practices have really shifted the way I operate in all aspects of my life & I truly feel so much more embodied & connected to my Divine feminine energy. Thank you so much for this beautiful elemental series. I will come back to it again & again. 

<div class="editor-content"><p><span>Katie Odonnell</span></p></div>,

Katie Odonnell

Unfold Community

For the one who desires to feel deeply at home within her body & being

Everyone is on their own path. Your unique expression unfolds when you learn to receive the fullness of this life through your bodily experience. This exploration will look different to everyone, which is why you will find a wide variety of practices on this platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the membership?

Was ist in der Mitgliedschaft enthalten?

This Membership includes access to an incredible catalog of videos and live events. You will find all your favorite content from YouTube add free plus tons of exclusive content for my Unfold community only. 

Diese Mitgliedschaft beinhaltet den Zugang zu einem unglaublichen Katalog von Videos und Live-Events. Du hast Zugriff auf alle deine Lieblingsinhalte von YouTube ohne Werbung plus viele exklusive Inhalte nur für meine Unfold-Community.

Is this membership for women only?

Ist diese Mitgliedschaft nur für Frauen?

This Space focuses on exploring your body and diving into your feminine energy through yoga, meditation and ceremonies. You will get the change to explore your sensuality and femininity through different offerings, however all of these qualities are genderless. Everyone has feminine and masculine energies present in their bodies no matter the gender you identify yourself with. So no, this space is not just for women.

Dieser Raum konzentriert sich darauf, deinen Körper zu erforschen und durch Yoga, Meditation und Zeremonien in deine weibliche Energie einzutauchen. Du wirst die Möglichkeit haben, deine Sinnlichkeit und Weiblichkeit durch verschiedene Angebote zu erforschen, wobei all diese Qualitäten geschlechtsneutral sind. Jeder Mensch hat weibliche und männliche Energien in seinem Körper, unabhängig davon, mit welchem Geschlecht du dich identifizierst. Also nein, dieser Raum ist nicht nur für Frauen.

Is everything in this membership in English and German? 

Ist alles in dieser Mitgliedschaft auf Englisch und Deutsch?

All pre- recorded content, so classes, rituals, practices, ceremonies, will be available in English and German! We also have one English community chat and one German community chat 🙏🏼 The only thing that is ONLY in English will be our monthly live streams with me or Guest Teachers. 

Alle aufgezeichneten Inhalte, also Kurse, Rituale, Praktiken, Zeremonien, werden in Englisch und Deutsch verfügbar sein! Wir haben auch einen englischen Community-Chat und einen deutschen Community-Chat 🙏🏼. Das einzige, was NUR auf Englisch ist, sind unsere monatlichen Live-Streams mit mir oder Gastlehrern.

Do I need to have any prior experiences?

Muss ich irgendwelche Vorerfahrungen haben?

There are really really really NO requirements for you to start a yoga practice. I know it might seem that way in the little internet bubble but it is untrue. Some of the yoga flows I share are for advanced practitioners so if that feels unmanageable in your body, start somewhere else. I have really great beginner classes, that are slower and where I will explain everything more thoroughly. Don’t be discouraged by others who are further along in their journey- we all started somewhere. Generally speaking I’d recommend that you go to your local yoga class in person especially when you are just starting out and have never done any yoga. And then add those online yoga classes on top!

Es gibt wirklich, wirklich, wirklich KEINE Voraussetzungen, um eine Yogapraxis zu beginnen. Ich weiß, dass es in der kleinen Internetblase so aussehen mag, aber es ist nicht wahr. Einige der Yogaklassen, die ich mit dir teile, sind für Fortgeschrittene gedacht. Wenn sich das also für deinen Körper nicht machbar anfühlt, fang woanders an. Ich habe wirklich tolle Anfängerklassen, die langsamer sind und in denen ich alles gründlicher erkläre. Lass dich von anderen, die schon weiter sind, nicht entmutigen - wir haben alle irgendwo angefangen. Generell würde ich dir empfehlen, persönlich zu einem Yogakurs in deiner Nähe zu gehen, vor allem, wenn du gerade erst anfängst und noch nie Yoga gemacht hast. Und dann kommen die Online-Yogakurse noch dazu!

How do I cancel?

Wie kündige ich?

If you don’t want to continue, you can cancel your membership at any time. Simply click on your dashboard and then follow the prompts to cancel on the Billing page, and your membership will not renew. Please note that there aren’t refunds for partially unused membership periods, so you will have access to everything until your current billing period is over 🙏🏼

Wenn du nicht weitermachen möchtest, kannst du deine Mitgliedschaft jederzeit kündigen. Klicke einfach auf dein Dashboard und folge dann den Anweisungen auf der Abrechnungsseite, um deine Mitgliedschaft zu kündigen. Bitte beachte, dass es keine Rückerstattungen für teilweise ungenutzte Mitgliedszeiträume gibt. Du hast also Zugriff auf alles, bis dein aktueller Abrechnungszeitraum vorbei ist 🙏🏼

"Thank you so much for what you do! I have experienced a lot of trauma in my life that left me feeling out of my body and out of touch and thanks to your classes I have been able to create a safe space within and to explore my sensuality. Thank you 🙏🏼"

Gabriela Rangel

Available in application stores for mobile Available in application stores for mobile tablet and phone

​​Stream Anytime, Anywhere

You will have 24/7 access from your desktop, mobile or tablet. You can watch all exclusive Unfold content anywhere, anytime as long as you have Internet access. Create your own favorite list and you might even have the option to download selected practices for offline access.

Du hast rund um die Uhr Zugang von deinem Desktop, Handy oder Tablet. Du kannst alle exklusiven Unfold- Inhalte überall und jederzeit ansehen. Erstelle deine eigene Favoritenliste und habe sogar die Möglichkeit, ausgewählte Kurse für den Offline-Zugriff herunterzuladen.

Movement is Medicine. Energy in Motion.

When you understand this truth- that your emotions are being alchemized through movement- you not only reclaim the connection to your body but you will enter your fully liberated flow state. The state where your mind, body and soul are insync with on another.

Regulated nervous system. Free flowing energy within you.

Presence. Fluidity. Peace.

Watch what unfolds when you meet the world from that place.

Become part of our community TODAY

Separate Online Courses for you

If you are not interested in joining a membership right now, then these different Online Courses with lifetime access might be for you 🌹

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left; line-height: 2"><span style="font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 2">JOURNEY TO SELF</span></p><p style="text-align: left; line-height: 2"><em><span style="font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 2">- a 10 day journey</span></em></p></div>


- a 10 day journey

20 €

Connect back to yourself through the cultivation of a daily practice

Verbinde dich wieder mit dir selbst, indem du eine tägliche Praxis kultivierst. Verfügbar auf Deutsch und Englisch.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 1.25rem">EMBODIED LOVE</span></em></p></div>


49 €

Welcome to the realm of "Embodied Love," a 7-day felt, bodily experience designed to guide you towards greater self-acceptance, inner peace, and deeper self love.

Willkommen im Raum der "Verkörperten Liebe", einer 7-tägigen gefühlten, körperlichen Erfahrung, die dich zu mehr Selbstakzeptanz, innerem Frieden und tieferer Selbstliebe führen möchte.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p><em><span style="font-size: 1.25rem">Ritual &amp; Rhythm</span></em></p></div>

Ritual & Rhythm

49 €

Ritual & Rhythm is a 4 week deep dive into the Root, the Womb, the Heart and the Third Eye. The 4 feminine centers.

Ritual & Rhythmus ist ein 4-wöchiges, tiefes Eintauchen in die Wurzel, den Mutterleib, das Herz und das dritte Auge. Die 4 weiblichen Zentren.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left; line-height: 2"><em><span style="font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 2">EXPLORATION THROUGH MOVEMENT </span></em></p><p style="text-align: left; line-height: 2"><em><span style="font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 2">- your sensual self</span></em></p></div>


- your sensual self

189 €

This 5 days at home online yoga retreat is a deep expansive journey of sensuality & movement

Momentan nur auf englisch verfügbar